The New and Improved MSTP Milestones



Click here to download a pdf of the milestones!


Summer before Year 1

Milestone Deadline
Identify first laboratory rotation before arrival (Director’s approval required) and complete laboratory rotation agreement June 15

(before matriculation)

Assignment of pre-clinical advisors By end of Summer
Laboratory Rotation Presentation; complete lab rotation evaluation with summer mentor Early Aug (date varies)
Meet with MTA director August 1
Meet with Faculty Advisor September
NOTE: Vacation is taken before starting in program

•        Problem Solving in Biomedical Science (PSBS) course (summer)

•        First laboratory rotation (summer)



YEAR 1 – MD1

Milestone Deadline
White Coat Ceremony Mid-September
InFocus 1 First Year MD/PhD summer rotation planning meeting October (date varies)
Meet with Director to discuss progress and rotation choices for upcoming summer (Dec 1 – Jan 31) Feb 1
Complete Individual Development Plan for MD/PhDs (IDP for MD/PhD) – complete online, discuss and have signed by advisor, and submit to Program Manager Feb 15
Identify second/third rotations (Director’s approval required) and complete laboratory rotation agreement March 1
Required Courses and Events

•       Annual MSTP Retreat

•       Medical school courses

•       Biomedical Sciences (BMS) for MD/PhD Fall/Spring Courses

•       Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) (can also be taken in MD2, MP1)

•       Rigor and Reproducibility (R&R) (can also be taken in MD2, MP1)

•       Medical Scientist Grand Rounds (MSGR) ~8 sessions per year

 YEAR 2 – MD2 

Milestone Deadline
Complete Second and Third Laboratory Rotations/ Laboratory Rotation Presentation and complete laboratory rotation agreement Early Aug
Fall Preclinical Advisor meeting November 1
“Getting Started in the Lab” Dinner meeting with Director to discuss transitioning to the Graduate School Mid-Feb

(date varies)

Meet with Director to discuss selection of PhD mentor (Sept – Feb) Feb 15
Complete Individual Development Plan for MD/PhDs (IDP for MD/PhD) – complete online, discuss and have signed by advisor, and submit to Program Manager Feb 15
Submit form to Declare MTA / mentor (Director’s approval required) March 1
Take USMLE Step 1 June 30
Required Courses and Events

•       Complete second/third rotations (summer between first and second year)

•       Summer vacation:   2 weeks after Rotation Presentation day (end of rotations)

•       Medical school courses

•       Annual MSTP Retreat

•       Biostatistics (can also be taken in MP1); waiver Exam optional (grade 85 or above = pass)

•       RCR (might have been taken in MD1)

•       MSGR ~ 8 sessions per year

YEAR 3 – MP1

Milestone Deadline
Start in lab July 15
With PhD mentor, identify and invite Advisory Committee members (check with MTA Co-Directors for guidelines) by end of summer Aug 30
Annual MSTP Retreat – abstract, poster presentation encouraged September
PhD Lab Coat Ceremony Mid-September
Organize and meet with thesis committee at least once prior to thesis proposal exam. Oct – Mar
Review and Revise Individual Development Plan for MD/PhDs (IDP for MD/PhDs) – complete online, discuss and have signed by advisor, and submit to Program Manager February 15
Thesis Proposal Exam June 30
Thesis Advisory Committee Meetings: 1 per semester following thesis proposal exam.  Complete the Dissertation Student Progress/ Advisory Committee Meeting form. Fall-Spring
Required Courses and Events

•       Summer vacation: 2 weeks following STEP I (mentor begins to pay stipend after the 2 week vacation)

•       Graduate School course registration deadline is June 30 for the fall semester

•       With MTA director, identify and register for MTA-specific coursework

•       MSGR ~8 sessions per year

•       RCR (if not already taken)

•       Thesis Advisory Committee Meeting (twice per year)

•       Thesis Proposal Registration (at least 4 weeks prior to Thesis Proposal Exam)

•       Thesis Proposal Exam by June 30 (extension requires MSTP Director approval)

•       If applying for F30/F31: request Program Description letter from MSTP Director

•       Submission of F30/F31 application (strongly recommended)

YEAR 4 – MP2

Milestone Deadline
Annual MSTP Retreat – abstract, poster presentation required Sept (abstract due in mid-August)
Review and Revise Individual Development Plan for MD/PhDs (IDP for MD/PhDs) – complete online, discuss and have signed by advisor, and submit to Program Manager Feb 15
Meet with Advisory Committee every six months (or yearly if authorized by AC). Complete the Dissertation Student Progress/ Advisory Committee Meeting form. Fall-Spring
Required Coursework and Events

•       With MTA director, identify and register for advanced MTA-specific coursework

•      Lab Coat Ceremony – presentation of a plaque for students who’ve defended their thesis proposal

•       Thesis Advisory Committee Meeting (twice per year)

•       MSGR   ~8 sessions per year

•       If applying for or resubmitting F30/F31: request Program Description letter from MSTP Director

•       Submit F30/F31 application (new or resubmission, strongly recommended)

•       2 weeks of vacation to be arranged with mentor

YEAR 5 – MP3

Milestone Deadline
Annual MSTP Retreat – abstract, poster presentation required Sept (abstract due in mid-August)
Review and Revise Individual Development Plan for MD/PhDs (IDP for MD/PhDs) – complete online, discuss and have signed by advisor, and submit to Program Manager February 15
Planning Meeting for MD3 Re-entry (for MP3 and MP4 students and mentors mid- September
Thesis Advisory Committee Meetings 1 per semester Fall-Spring
Required Coursework and Events

•       Advanced MTA coursework

•       Thesis Advisory Committee Meeting (twice per year)

•       MSGR ~8 sessions per year

•       Possible early PhD Thesis defense (if so, refer to MP4 instructions)

•       2 weeks of vacation to be arranged with mentor

YEAR 6 – MP4

Milestone Deadline
Annual MSTP Retreat – abstract, poster presentation required Sept (abstract due in mid-August)
Planning Meeting for MD3 Re-entry (for MP3 and MP4 students and mentors Sept
Thesis Committee Meeting to discuss thesis defense Dec 15
January Re-entry Planning Meeting End of Jan (date varies)
Meeting Faculty Advisor for Re-entry planning During month of Feb
Lottery Planning Meeting End of Feb (date varies)
Enter lottery
Elective registration tba
Register for Clinical Refresher Course (course is from early April to late May), which is required for all students planning to return to MD3 End of Feb (date varies)
Review and Revise Individual Development Plan for MD/PhDs (IDP for MD/PhDs) – complete online, discuss and have signed by advisor, and submit to Program Manager February 15
Schedule PhD Thesis defense (strongly encouraged that the defense take place prior to April 1) May 1
Deposit Dissertation April 15, suggested for degree conferral at May commencement
InFocus6 (formally known as Clinical Skills Week) – full time re-entry into MD3 Last week of June (date varies)
Required Courses and Events

•       Advanced MTA coursework

•       Thesis Advisory Committee Meeting (twice per year)

•       MSGR ~8 sessions per year

•       Prepare for reentry to medical school

•       PhD Thesis defense

•       Clinical Refresher Course (April through first week of June)

•       Note: please schedule 2 weeks of vacation mid-June (between end of Clinical Refresher and start of InFocus6)

YEAR 7 – MD3

Milestone Deadline
Review and revise IDP for MD/PhDs (no signature required) February 15
Required Courses and Events

•       MD3 clerkships

•       Collect letters for Residency Applications

•       Spring: meet with Faculty Advisor re: MSPE and MD4 planning

•       Compile materials for MSTP Director letter meeting (CV/biosketch, IDP, description of research, optional: mentor letter)

•       MD4 Schedule Planning

•       Elective planning and registration

•       Registration for USMLE Step 2

Note: in order for your MSPE to indicate your name as Dr., you need to have deposited your thesis by June 15 of the summer prior to MSPE release.

YEAR 8 – MD4

Milestone Deadline
Meet with MSTP Director for Research letter component of MSPE (May-July) July 15
Review and revise IDP for MD/PhDs (no signature required) / Exit Survey February 15
Required Courses and Events

•       USMLE Step 2 CS and CK (summer between year 7 and 8)

•       Meet with faculty advisor re: MSPE (Spring/Summer)

•       Collect letters for Residency applications (if applying)

•       Meet with MSTP Director to discuss content of MSTP Research letter for MSPE

•       Write personal statement for Residency applications

•       Assemble and submit residency applications

•       MD4 clerkships and electives

•       Residency Interviews

•       Match (mid-March)

•       Celebration of graduating MSTP students

•       Participate in panel discussion “Residency and Beyond” at MSGR (April)

•       Commencement (mid-May)

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