Roles and Responsibilities
1) PhD representatives will serve as a general voice for the PhD student body. They are responsible for advocating for the PhD student body, relaying information to and from the PhD Student body, and serving as visible entities that the PhD Student body can approach to effect change in the graduate community. PhD representatives will relay all queries and concerns that are specific to issues that pertain to subcommittees and other graduate school programs to those elected individuals.
2) Provided adequate funding, PhD representatives will organize a sushi dinner once per semester for all students of graduate programs. This dinner must be a sufficient amount of food for the expected attendance of all graduate programs.
3) Before the fall elections, PhD representatives are responsible for holding a meeting with the first year graduate school class to elucidate PhD representative roles. This is with the express interest of communicating with new students and garnering interest in student council.
4) It is the responsibility of any PhD representative on Steering Committee to report updates from that committee to the other PhD representatives prior to all formal meetings.
5) PhD representatives are responsible for attending monthly Student Council General Body Meetings.
6) PhD representatives are required to attend the monthly meeting with the deans (“Deans Meeting”) according to the operating procedures of the meeting.
7) Senior PhD representatives (Years Two and above) will be responsible for the training of the new PhD representatives upon their election.
8) Senior PhD representatives (Years Two and above) are responsible for communication with the Graduate School Deans regarding school-wide issues.
9) Senior PhD representatives (Years Two and above) are responsible for following up on action items discussed at the monthly meetings with the Graduate School Deans.
10) PhD representatives are responsible for sending out monthly communication to the PhD and MD/PhD Students regarding the initiatives of the PhD representatives.
11) PhD representatives are responsible for holding a monthly feedback mechanism to the PhD and MD/PhD Students. The results of this feedback will be presented at the monthly meeting with the deans. The responses and follow up to that feedback will be redistributed to the student body.
12) The first year PhD representatives are responsible for helping the other first year representatives on student council to plan the First Year All Program Mixer.
13) The PhD representatives are responsible for planning regular Phun Phridays during the academic calendar.
14) For the remainder of the academic year, PhD representatives who are no longer in position after the spring elections are to finish out their representative responsibilities with the exception of having voting power in Student Council.
15) Senior PhD representatives (Year Two and above) are responsible for reviewing design of the annual comprehensive survey with the Medical students. The survey will be administered and analyzed by the Graduate School administration.
16) It is the responsibility of the PhD representatives to communicate any issue that is not encompassed by the above responsibilities of the PhD representatives but clearly falls into the jurisdiction of another entity within the Graduate School or Student Council to that entity. It is still required that the PhD representatives communicate the decisions and actions of that entity back to their constituents. In the case that the PhD representatives must undergo any endeavors that belong to the purview of another subcommittee or program, they must do so in collaboration with the respective subcommittee, entity or program.