See where the newest members of our MSTP are from!
Category Archives: Fall 2018
Faculty Spotlight
By Nicole Zatorski
Dr. Filizola is the recipient of an endowed chair, the Sharon & Frederick A.
Klingenstein-Nathan G. Kase, MD Professorship, and the Dean of the Graduate
School of Biomedical Sciences. She is a dedicated leader in computational
biophysics of membrane proteins with over 20 years of experience in the
application of methods of computational and theoretical chemistry to biochemical
and biomedical problems, as well as to rational drug design. Dr. Filizola’s
research program is mainly focused on G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs),
which are the targets for about half of all currently used drugs.
Alumni Notes
A few of our beloved alumni wrote in to give us an update about their lives. Visit our alumni page to do the same or to update your contact information! Read more ▶
Alumni Feature
Dr. Ayotunde Dokun is a distinguished alumnus of the MSTP program at Mount Sinai and the winner of the 2018 Terry Ann Krulwich Physician-Scientist Alumni Award. He attended this year’s MSTP retreat at Honor’s Haven where he was the Keynote speaker. We were lucky to hear him speak about his career, and for this feature in the newsletter, I was able to delve deeper and learn more about his time at Sinai and beyond.
A Message from the Director
The Mount Sinai MSTP is now comfortably into the fall of its 47th year and its 41st year of NIH funding! Our 12 new students matriculated into the MSTP in early July and immersed themselves immediately into their laboratory rotations and the interactive course Problem Solving in Biomedical Sciences (PSBS), in which they worked collaboratively and brainstormed with a group of enthusiastic faculty to propose studies that address critical biomedical problems. PSBS ended with a stimulating day of rotation presentations by the MD1 students, with MD2 students providing individual feedback (including comments from MTA Directors). They have completed their first course in medical school, STRUCTURES and are now back in graduate school mode for the MSTP core course, Biomedical Sciences for MD/PhDs. They have rapidly integrated into the MSTP and we look forward to following their growth and progress over the coming years.