March for Science v2.0 with Mount Sinai on May 4th, 2019!

On May 4th, 2019, Mount Sinai will join the third annual March for Science in NYC, a gathering of people in solidarity to acknowledge and voice our shared belief: Given the critical role it plays in our lives, science deserves better from our government and our society.

If you’re interested in marching with Mount Sinai this year, please help us out by filling out this google poll!

Many prominent scientific organizations have endorsed the march this year, including AAAS, ASCB, the Society for Neuroscience, and the New York Academy of Sciences. We are also proud to have the support of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and the Mount Sinai Administration.

Our main advocacy goals in organizing this march are as follows:

  1. The open access of scientific information to the general public.
  2. The use of science for the common good and in the preservation of an informed democracy.
  3. The protection of human and environmental rights.


More information on the New York March can be found here.