
By conducting your own novel research as an undergrad, you have become a member of a very elite community. You are now actively contributing to the discovery novel data that adds to the growing compendium of scientific knowledge! The work you accomplish in these early career research programs will impact the great scientific innovations of the future. Congratulations on being indoctrinated into an elite community!

A crucial component of being in the scientific guild is the dissemination of your research findings to the rest of the community. To this end, there are three methods that are commonly used in the field: publishing a manuscript, oral presentations, and poster presentations. You no doubt have experienced published articles as part of your research. During the event, you will be exposed to plenary as well as “blitz” talks from some of our current graduate students.

The core purpose of this Symposium to to provide invaluable experience discussing your findings through a poster and the dynamic interactions of the session.

In order to present your research as a poster during the Symposium, please follow the following steps:

  1. Write your abstract

Read the requirements carefully when constructing your abstract. Abstracts should summarize your hypothesis, experimental setup, results, and conclusions.

  1. Review your abstract (by Mentor)

All abstracts must be approved by your mentor. Therefore, provide your mentor with plenty of time to suggest edits before the registration deadline.

  1. Submit abstract

Read the requirements carefully before submitting your abstract on the registration page.

  1. Design poster

The real work begins! Templates and guidelines are provided here. Posters should be well organized and visually appealing. Posters should stand on their own while complementing the verbal presentation of the researcher.

  1. Prepare presentation

Read the tips for best practices in poster presentations. The verbal presentation with your poster is as important as the design of your poster.


  1. Present research

The big day! Enjoy conversing with your scientific peers from different institutions. Poster Session assignments will be posted no earlier than two weeks prior to the event.