We have received all of the materials that we ordered from Adafruit (Arduino accessories) and McMaster Carr. There was some confusion (as there sometimes in with many parts and multiple vendor orders) and some parts were missing/incorrect sizes. After some exchanging and re-ordering, all of the correct parts arrived.
We then composed a Gnantt chart to document what tasks we have left and what pieces needed to be assembled/machined. We considered the available resources and made decisions of what machining we could manage ourselves (with help from Pete, of course), what parts Phillip Cook could make, and what we would have to outsource to the Zahn center.
We decided that Phillip Cook and Brian would do the initial base cuts (we ordered double the size of the bases needed so we would have a spare) of the two large base pieces and the actuator arms. The Zahn center would 3D print the paddles and tissue forks. Pete and the gang would make drill holes, dish placers, motor slot, etc., and take care of the assembly.