We are pleased to report that the first amendment to the Student Constitution has passed both a strict two-thirds vote of officers and a general body vote.
The amendment changes the budget period for Student Council from semesterly to yearly budgeting. That means student organizations only have to write one budget per year (less paperwork!), and instead of $350 per semester, the new default maximum will be $700 annually that could be reallocated to, e.g., any balance of events between the fall vs. the spring. The amendment changes nothing else, except for two new reporting tasks assigned to the SC Treasurers.
From Student Council’s perspective, this helps implement new guidelines that increase flexibility in what we can reimburse student organizations for. As we frequently voted on updates to the budget throughout the year, it doesn’t really affect how many times we have to vote on budget-related issues.
We’ve posted the new full text of the Constitution with the Amendment.